Thursday, February 14, 2008

The World's Most Boar-ing Villain!

Yes that was a horrible pun, thank you! Well how can I properly follow-up that lovely post from Stephen? How does introducing our villain sound? Hmm?

Baron Werner Von Blackforest was the third character to be created in the cast. We knew as soon as this was more than a conversational joke that our hero needed a villain! And since the whole thing was inspired by cold cuts and pigs, an evil black boar named Blackforest seemed the logical choice!

the very first visual incarnation of Baron Werner Von Blackforest!

As you can see the above sketch was later morphed into the more sophisticated and final design here:

The final design for BVBF

And if you're excited about this little guy, wait until you meet his friends later on!
I hope you look forward to reading Baron Von Blackforests misadventures as much as Stephen and I have making them come to life! Check back soon for some more insight and designs of Ham and Eggs!!

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